Shopping. This summer's electricity bills have been outrageously high! Has anyone else been getting incredibly high bills this summer?
I've called ConEdison and they say that billing depends on market rates and consumption. I just love how their answer is pretty much like, Eh, prices just depeeeends! There's no breakdown of what these market rates are, how they use it to determine charges (rip people off), or how it relates to the actual electrical use of your household (because evidently using less electricity this month causes an increase in price from the previous month) ANYWHERE online. They also said, IF they can FIND this information they will send it to me. WTF!? Aren't they using this information to determine charges? Why can't they FIND it?
If I was gonna get ripped off, I'd rather it be by Anthropologie and their outlandish prices. At least, I'd get some cute clothes I can flounce around in instead of throwing it away to some imaginary market rate that I think ConEdison is just making up since they can't seem to FIND it to send to me!
Ooops- I just enlarged the image. Ouch!
That's what you get for using electric wee pads!
my bill last month was 189.
and my bill this month was 198!
and the weird thing was that i actually used less electricity this month than last!
and we're pretty careful about not leaving the AC on during the day.
this whole energy thing is a scam. all those companies decide that they're going to raise prices and blame it on high oil prices. i'm going to blame my rock throwing on high oil prices too.
I guess ConEd is really taking the "less is more" thing to heart?
At least the Anthropologie ripoff gets you a swirly skirt or something.
Even worse is J. Crew's sudden inflation. Honey, if I wanted to pay $300+ for a pair of shoes, you bet your ass I'd be buying some ding-dang Marc Jacobs!
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